Welcome Back to St. Andrew Junior School

Welcome Back!
We are looking forward to welcoming students back to school on September 5, 2024.
My name is April Weaver, and I am the new Principal of St. Andrew Junior School.
Erin MacPherson is our returning Vice Principal, and we welcome Lynn Casey as a new Vice Principal to our administrative team.
This year, students will be offered free school supplies. Students will still need to bring their own backpack, lunch box, headphones/earbuds, indoor sneakers for Physical Education class, water bottle and binders (if desired).
The Nova Scotia Provincial Cell Phone Directive for Schools is also new this year. At SAJS, we will be cell phone free for the entire school day including recess and lunch breaks.
We look forward to a successful school year as we continue to support student well-being, achievement, and success!
Thank you,
April Weaver