SAJS is a Grade 5-8 school that offers students a host of amazing opportunities for personal development and growth as they continue their educational journey through junior high. Our primary responsibility is student well-being, success and achievement in a positive, safe and inclusive learning environment where all students are offered educational opportunities that will maximize their potential.
With students arriving at SAJS from feeder schools in Grade 5 (AEC), and Grades 7 (SAC and HM MacDonald), as well as from a variety of settings both nationally and internationally, SAJS offers a wide range of programming to support our students in their transition from elementary school to a middle school/junior high setting. SAJS offers a variety of instructional streams, with options for French Immersion, Core French, Core Gaelic and Intensive French. We also offer a wide range of hands-on learning opportunities especially designed for the junior high learner beginning in Grades 7 and 8 including Outdoor Education, Yoga, Technology Education (Textiles, Food Studies, Woodshop, Brilliant Lab, etc.) in addition to extracurricular offerings ranging from inter-school Sports and Intramurals to Band and a variety of clubs. There is something for everyone at SAJS!